Feeling Stuck? Read this powerful message from a book I read!

Picture an ice cube in front of you. Now imagine the room you’re in is cold, let’s say 25 degrees. Ever so slowly the room begins to warm up...
26 degrees.
Ice cube is still frozen.
Still... nothing.
Then 32 degrees hits and the ice cube slowly begins to melt, all because of a one degree shift in temperature. No different than the one degree shifts but this one started a huge change.
Breakthrough change is often the result of many actions leading up to the change. After one week you may not see results you’re looking for, but after eight weeks of constant action the potential for a major change is huge.
The moral of this is to keep pushing, don’t lose sight of what you have in front of you and simply be better every day.
You got this.
Love the message here!
I wonder how often we stop at 30 or 31 degrees out of frustration. This popular meme comes to mind =)
Also, sometimes we get so caught up in looking for the visual or easily measurable changes that come at 32 degrees that we forget to notice the other less obvious changes such as cardiovascular health or mood when talking about fitness.
Agent of Change / Fitness Innovation & Education Coordinator
I remember where I was while listening to this analogy through Audible! It was powerful enough to be that memorable. I was walking my dog, Fisher, it was a sunny day, and I was on the sidewalk in front of the school next to my house. The ice cube painted a very good picture with a strong message.