How Much Protein Should I Have?

Overview: Protein
is a much talked about nutrient. Some say you can’t get enough, others say if
you get too much you’ll damage your kidneys. Which one is true? Well, the truth
lies somewhere in between. In this video we’ll explore the benefits of higher
protein intake and provide a recommendation of working towards about 1
gram/pound of body weight in protein per day. Certainly, we’ll also explore how
increasing your protein intake at all can benefit you in many ways. Please watch
the video for more information on the benefits of protein intake and how you
should consider these recommendations in the context of your current diet.
Additional Resources:
- Precision Nutrition: All about protein: What is it and how much do you need?
- How much protein do you need per day?
- 5 little-known facts about protein
- Harvard Health: How much protein do you need every day?
- International Society of Sports Nutrition Position Stand: protein and exercise