Music! Playlists from your AFS Trainers & Friends =)

Hello AFS Family!
One of the things that makes AFS special are the personal connections we form with one another. Whether that be between client and staff member, or client and client.. AFS feels like a family.
Music is something that brings people together. It is something that for many of us, is a deep expression of who we are as individuals.
Thus, I thought it would be fun to create a post where you can explore the musical tastes of your AFS trainers, fellow clients, and friends, all in an effort to build on that sense of community, and get to know one another a little bit better (while also listening to some good music =))
Below you will find a number of playlists curated by various AFS team members. These playlists are different from the ones you experience in class in that they are not intended to appeal to a wide variety of people, but are instead specific to the tastes of the individual who made the playlist. We do not promise the lyrics or content here is 100% Rated-PG, so just keep that in mind.
If you would like to share your own playlists, feel free to do so in the comments below, and I will add them to the this post below. To do this, click on the ellipsis next to your playlist, and click "copy link" as seen at the very bottom of this post.
If you don't see the team-member who's playlist you'd want to see, tag them in the comments below =).
@Camie Cooper (Fitness Instructor Ann Arbor):
@Chris Early (FP & Assistant GM Ann Arbor):
@Cody Mikuska (FP Plymouth):
@Eileen McNally (FP RH):
@Kemper Sosa (GM Ann Arbor):
@Sawyer Paull-Baird (Fitness Innovation/Education Coord.):
@Ransom, Aly (Front Desk Ann Arbor):
@Trent Taylor (FP RH):
@Tricia Nault (Front Desk Plymouth):
How to share your playlist:
Agent of Change / Fitness Innovation & Education Coordinator
The original post got too long.. so I am continuing here!
@Corinne Albrecht (Front Desk Manager, Ann Arbor):
@Jared Freeman (GM RH):
@Alyssa Romig (Operations Director):
@Chris Firlik (client, Ann Arbor):
"Ten songs for when you need to be ready to win. I had a three-day tournament in October that was in Lansing, so I put this together to listen on the drive every day. It helps me tap into the part of me that says, "Don't get in my way or I will utterly destroy you"—and also the part that likes to laugh at my own absurdity. (P.S. Probably don't listen to this at work, unless you have a REALLY casual environment. 😅)"
@Peter Schultz (client, PLY):
For running^
Pump-up mix for a game or adrenaline^
@Sarah McNitt (client Ann Arbor):
@Beth Manoogian (client Ann Arbor)
Agent of Change / Fitness Innovation & Education Coordinator
Oh my gosh, music!!! <3 This is almost better than the sleep chain, @Sawyer Paull-Baird! <3 Will be reviewing these soon! :-)
This post could not come at a more relevant time and brought a smile to my day! I had a tough morning yesterday, and my friend sent a Spotify playlist she created just for me as we were texting. Her explanation: I can't be there to give you a hug, but I can send you music that I know will bring you joy.
We had a whole conversation last night about how music is such a beautiful language and like a hug from a friend :)
@Eileen McNally - diving in to your SMILE playlist to help me focus now. Cannot WAIT to check out some new music on everyone else's, too!
Wow, awesome, Lauren. Really cool how this came at just the right time for you =). I hope you enjoy these.
Agent of Change / Fitness Innovation & Education Coordinator
Ten songs for when you need to be ready to win. I had a three-day tournament in October that was in Lansing, so I put this together to listen on the drive every day. It helps me tap into the part of me that says, "Don't get in my way or I will utterly destroy you"—and also the part that likes to laugh at my own absurdity. (P.S. Probably don't listen to this at work, unless you have a REALLY casual environment. 😅)
My chill work playlist, listening now :)
Jared Freeman BS CPT CSCS
Agent of Change / Managing Partner
Much respect for Unfolding by Luca Fogale on your playlist @Jared Freeman.
Here's my running/workout playlist:
And my "pump up mix" for when I really need an adrenaline rush or need to get pumped for a game:
Lots of hardcore, maybe some metal and screamo thrown in. So if you're into the heavier stuff, check them out!
Thanks :)! he is amazing!! I think my favorite song is half-saved. @Eileen McNally introduced me to Luca in one of her yoga classes!
Jared Freeman BS CPT CSCS
Agent of Change / Managing Partner
Big smile. Thank you for sharing your favorite song of his Jared, and double respect for carving out the time for yourself to take yoga with @Eileen McNally.
"Rin your workout playlist is nearly 24 hours long."
...yes. Yes it is.
Unfortunately I do not have spotify, But since it's only a few days left in 2019 how about an "End of decade Playlist" to finish out strong. I'm sure someone has thought of this but I thought it would be a cool suggestion.
@DIamond Vinson my friend had this really great idea of creating a playlist at the beginning of each year and adding a song to it every time you come across a song that means a lot to you! I made my first one this year (too personal to share haha) and it was very surreal listening to it recently and hearing what songs meant something to me throughout the year.
WHERE IS @Gino Gonzalez 's WEIGHT ROOM DANCE PARTY??? Did I roll right past it?
@Nicole Porter I know, right!? I just texted him a screenshot of this message to see if we can get a classic Gino playlist up here =)
Agent of Change / Fitness Innovation & Education Coordinator
I made a playlist just for this thread!
You can probably pinpoint my age just from all the jock jams...
Haha love it, thanks @Sarah McNitt =). I'll add this up above to this original post!
Agent of Change / Fitness Innovation & Education Coordinator
@Sarah McNitt - you and I must be roughly the same age because there's definitely some overlap on our playlists!
Here's mine: - sorry if explicit songs aren't appropriate for this thread but here's a playlist that inspires me to move (lift, run, spin, dance, hang from the TRX straps like a monkey)!
Thanks @Beth Manoogian , naughty words are okay for this thread seeing as we are not playing these in facility =). I'll add this to the post above.
Agent of Change / Fitness Innovation & Education Coordinator