Workout buddies wanted - Ann Arbor

Hi all! As we continue through this re-opening and adjustment period, Let's start a specific thread to connect with other clients as we return to the gym – specifically in Ann Arbor. Because schedules (and comfort levels) are so different these days, we are all working out at different times than maybe before and may be missing some of our old workout buddy connections.
I’ve heard of some individuals not going to class because they see they would be the only/first ones signed up in the app… So, let’s work out together!
There are a few of us (@Kristina Bak @Anne Grady & Julie) who have been enjoying some of the following Fitness Solutions class times together (in South) and you are invited to join us:
*Mondays 7:00am
*Wednesdays 5:00pm
*Fridays 7:00am
*Saturdays 9:00am
What times have been working well for you? Who do you miss seeing?
The energy is so much better with others around us and we are hoping to get the gang back together as we continue to reopen.
(will post to fbook)
@Erin McLaughlin this is awesome! Thanks for sharing!!!
Michael E. Stack, BS CFP CSCS*D CPS
AGENT OF CHANGE, CEO, & Exercise Physiologist