Gluten Free Recipes!

Katelyn MeckKatelyn Meck Member, Practitioner admin

Hello AFS Family!

One of my clients is looking for some easy and healthy gluten free recipes she can utilize for her and her husband. She has not found too many that she liked, especially for an almond or coconut bread, and I figured who better to ask then our community we have here:)

What are your best gluten free recipes? Both for meals and snacks!

Thanks in advance,



Best Answer


  • Lauren Baker (RH)Lauren Baker (RH) Member, Inward Journey Meditation Group Member Rank ✭6✭

    Hi Katelyn! There are two folks that I enjoy that have a ton of gluten free recipes:

    Sarah Adler, Simply Real Health. I have both her cookbooks, and while some of her "woo-woo" is too much for me, some GREAT recipes.

    Brittany Mullins, Eating Bird Food. LOVE her recipes, and most are gluten free.

    Hope that helps :).

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