Recipe: Thai quinoa salad
Beth Manoogian
Member Rank ✭7✭
in Nutrition
I made this as one of my meal preps for this past week and it’s really easy to make and delicious! I’m always a fan of any recipe that gets me all the colors of the rainbow in one. I am not vegan but it is easy to adjust this recipe to make it so, or you can be like me and add your favorite protein to it. When I made it I added edamame, used both red and orange bell pepper, added broccoli because I was craving it, and protein in the form of shrimp. It was very filling and made a ton, I think I got 7-8 servings out of it with my additions.
this also makes for a good potluck recipe - I sent it to my coworker and she brought it to a vegan potluck we had at work yesterday and the entire batch got eaten!
This looks delicious.. 25 minutes total time commitment too is pretty nice.. nice find! =)
Agent of Change / Fitness Innovation & Education Coordinator
300% doing this this week! Thanks, Beth!
Tried this last night and it was so easy and yummy! Thanks so much for sharing :)