Holiday Hacks from Claire

in Nutrition
Yo yo, or rather ho ho! Here are some personal tips which have helped me keep my tummy on track when I travel and the kitchen doesn't belong to me. Being prepared is more than half the battle.
^your protein bar doesn't have to be Quest but please look at the calorie to protein ratio. A good rule of thumb is if the bar is 100 calories it should yield close to 10 grams of protein.
Of course these are a few of my favorites to help me stay on track. I find that the more greens I eat, the less bloated I feel, thus the better decisions are made.
Another pro tip: If you accidently overdid it with cookies or casserole, drink so much water! It will help your stomach handle the extra load.
Cheers Fitfam <3
You'll feel just as Jolly as Copper
@Claire Trapp! I love it. Thanks for contributing (especially
Michael E. Stack, BS CFP CSCS*D CPS
AGENT OF CHANGE, CEO, & Exercise Physiologist
I hit the Amazing Greens with some Branched-Chain Amino Acids in the morning! It's a great way to start the morning with some vigor! Thanks for sharing @Claire Trapp !
Kemper Sosa
Agent of Change & General Manager
BS, CPT, CSCS, ACSM Exercise Physiologist