Self Love on Valentines Day

in Mindset
Valentines day is known for our celebration of our significant others and loved ones in our lives. But the most essential love is the love you have for yourself. I would like to challenge anyone who wants to join, to dedicate them-self to do one thing (big or small) only for YOURSELF tomorrow. Let's all get some valuable self-care! Pledge yourself below in the comments or on your own :)
For me, I love to read fiction novels...usually involving a dragon. But I haven't allowed myself to sit down and start one in a few years. So, tomorrow while I drink my morning cup of coffee I will start reading Game Of Thrones.
I will be at work all day tomorrow, but I will find 20 minutes to meditate, because I need it and haven't done it in a while!
I pledge to drink 60 oz of water. Not just 40, but 60!
Great challenge, Brook! Self-care is like, my favorite thing 😊
For me, my self care tomorrow will be seeing my doctor about some mental health meds! I'm actually very excited :) Advocating for the gaps in my functionality used to be THE hardest thing, but these days my perspective has changed a lot. I'm looking forward to discussing what extra help I may need!
I think it says something about my life that I had a lot of trouble thinking of something :)
My husband and I are going out to dinner tomorrow, and I am going to indulge in a raw oyster for an appetizer. It's an extravagance, but I'm going to treat myself.
I work tomorrow AM but I signed up for a yoga class in the afternoon!! Can't wait to slow down and fill up my self love cup :)
Thank you for this beautiful reminder.
Eileen McNally BS, CPT, RYT
Applied Fitness Solutions Rochester Hills
Awesome post! My favorite way to spend my mornings when I have time to myself is to make a big breakfast and sit and read after. I have a stack of books I am making my way through now :)
The simple act of fueling my body and my mind powers me for the rest of the day!
Cinnamon Toast Crunch or Reese’s Puffs for breakfast?
Tomorrow I will: see my chiropractor for a much needed adjustment and then come home to watch a movie. I don't know which one, but I know it's been too long since my dog and I snuggled up and consciously enjoyed a movie. A mindful time to relax and unwind is 100% what I need.
Happy Valentine's Day! I will be popping open a bottle of wine and catching up on the DVR.
I will be enjoying a glass of wine and cooking dinner with Elia tonight. That will be a great form of self-care.
PS- @Brook Adams , books with dragons, outside of educational/personal development books, are practically the only types of books I read. If you ever want to nerd out or throw suggestions at one another, let me know (series I love: Got; The KingKiller Chronicles; The Wheel of Time; The Stormlight Archives or basically anything by Brandon Sanderson; The Farseer series by Robin Hobbe). =)
Agent of Change / Fitness Innovation & Education Coordinator
@Sawyer Paull-Baird Have you read Warbreaker by Sanderson?! It's free and I read through it in literally a day--honestly probably my favorite of his, though Clint loves the Mistborn series! @Brook Adams I second Sawyer's rec on Sanderson; suuuper good fantasy with really sound magic systems, which I've found can be iffy in other works/series.
@Corinne Albrecht it's funny, Warbreaker is maybe one of only a coupe of his books I haven't read.. I will have to now that you mention it though =). Mistborn is great!
Agent of Change / Fitness Innovation & Education Coordinator
@Sawyer Paull-Baird It's technically a "draft" of his right now, so you'll probably notice a couple spelling mistakes here and there (and unfortunately no dragons haha) but man, it's just so good. I actually might reread it now 😆
Love it! Relaxing tonight with Kaitlyn and the doggos will be my self love. 👍❤
@John Birchler You would say that to me hahaha
@Sawyer Paull-Baird Thank you for the list of recommendations! We can nerd out anytime!
@Corinne Albrecht Also thank you for the recommendation! I have added all of these to my list.