Mindset Book - Easy Read
in Mindset
As 2020 kicks off everyone has the usual health and business goals, A great book to read is “Mindset” by Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D. It’s a simple easy read that helps differentiate between fixed and growth mindsets and strategy to implement a sustainable growth mindset.
LOVE this book! Got it after @Mike Stack mentioned it in the challenge earlier in 2019 and then my friend highly recommended it.
Listened to it on Audible and then bought a hard copy to go back and take notes... Except my parents stole it after I raved about it. Gotta steal it back.
Mindset and Brene Brown's Dare to Lead or Daring Greatly had the MOST impact on me of any books in the genre, ever.
And the crazy thing is that I've implemented some of the praise changes with my nephew and the difference is unreal in how he goes about a challenge. So, so cool.
Thanks for mentioning this - going to steal it back from my family now :).
Yes, this is an awesome book @Luke Bonner. The growth mindset concept is something I try to catch myself on on a weekly basis with the language I use and thoughts going through my head. @Lauren Baker (RH) I also try to stay aware of the praise changes you mention as well, especially when working with clients. Super insightful stuff in this book.
Agent of Change / Fitness Innovation & Education Coordinator
@Luke Bonner and @Lauren Baker (RH), great discussion thread here. I have a number of book recommendations that I could make, however I think the one I've benefited most from lately is a book called The Confidence Gap (I'll link it below). Few people would suspect I struggle with my confidence, but the negative voice of my inner-critic can get very loud sometimes and definitely impair my performance (and certainly make life less enjoyable and fulfilling). The two biggest things I took out of this book were: (1) how to perform at a high level even in the face of your negative self-talk and anxiety and (2) how living a values focused life is more rewarding than leading a goals focused life (in short, you can't always control achieving your goals, but you can control living by your values every day). I thought the book is a must read for every human being. It does dive into some good psychological concepts around defusion, which I've mentioned in other thread on the forum. Here's the link to the book, I'd highly recommend picking it up. I actually read it through twice when I first got it.
Michael E. Stack, BS CFP CSCS*D CPS
AGENT OF CHANGE, CEO, & Exercise Physiologist
Thanks for the recommendation @Luke Bonner, I'm adding it to my growing list of books to read next :)
@Lauren Baker (RH) LOVED Brene Brown's work. A great addition to this thread!
FINALLY remembered the book I read this year that was along the same lines as this. Grit by Angela Duckworth. Its awesome and shows how your don't have to be the best at something to be super successful at it. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did!
@Emma Sheffert Grit has been on my list!! I believe this was a recommendation by @Eileen McNally a while back!
Love this thread, I will keep the book recommendations going with my most recent read, Atomic Habits by James Clear. Really opens your eyes on how to ensure great habits and how to get out of bad ones. I strongly recommend this read as I am currently reading it for the 3rd time, and still picking up new things as I go. Hope you enjoy!
Another good book I just got done reading is 10% Happier. It's a cool book on bringing mindfulness and meditation out of the Buddhist traditions and into real western life. It's written by Dan Harris (who works for ABC News). He does a great job of talking about the practical benefits and struggles with modern mindfulness. The link is below, it's a fun and fast read!
Michael E. Stack, BS CFP CSCS*D CPS
AGENT OF CHANGE, CEO, & Exercise Physiologist
I've also just order "A Liberated Mind," this is by the mentor of Russ Harris (who wrote the Confidence Gap, that I mentioned above in this thread). This was at the recommendation of @Jared Freeman who is also reading it right now. I'll keep everyone posted on how it goes. Jared, please do the same, we're all interested to know your thoughts as well. If you're interested in checking it out here is a link to it:
Michael E. Stack, BS CFP CSCS*D CPS
AGENT OF CHANGE, CEO, & Exercise Physiologist
So far I really like it. He starts the book discussing WHY we tend to have mindsets that lead to frustration, stagnation, etc. I like to know some of the possible reasons why a problem exists before learning about how it can be addressed.
Jared Freeman BS CPT CSCS
Agent of Change / Managing Partner
Awesome suggestions here. Thanks for starting this thread @Luke Bonner !
One more I'll add to the list: https://www.amazon.com/Desire-Map-Guide-Creating-Goals/dp/1622032519
I'm currently reading this as it add's a different perspective on goal setting. The author coaches us on getting more in tune with how we would feel (seeding) when achieving our goals rather than focus on the tangible goal itself. Basically chase a "feeling" vs. a "thing".
Pretty cool material.
Kemper Sosa
Agent of Change & General Manager
BS, CPT, CSCS, ACSM Exercise Physiologist
Quick reads that you can go back to/reflect on and find new meaning as time goes on:
The Art of Power, The Art of Communicating, Anger, Fear, True Love. <=All written by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh
Amazon prime em!
Oof to chasing things. You trained me at a time when I was facing the outcome of having chased things. Talk about the most brutal time in my life.
Major 🔑 in your post: "a different perspective." Keep it up, Kemp!
I had this book in my hand the other day, but I put it back! I’ll have to go back and nab it :)