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Re: Intuitive Eating Much?
I am one of those for whom the unconditional permission to eat sounds like the scariest thing ever. Permission to eat anything always sounded to me like a recipe for disaster, falling off the wagon, so to speak. But I am working on recognizing when I actually am hungry, and when I'm not. My body actually feels better when I feed it healthy foods, and since I like that feeling, I have not been as anxious to eat the other stuff anyway. And I'm ok with that. I'm ok indulging a little once in a while, and I'm trying not to feel guilty for it. Guilt and food should not go together!

Re: Intuitive Eating Much?
@Kemper Sosa - I am so glad you shared this! Thanks so much for the tag :)
Like @Sawyer Paull-Baird mentioned, it sounds like @Rachel Egelhof is describing Intuitive Eating or the non-diet approach, which as you know, @Mary Balog & I are huge believers in. So happy that this is helping you in your food journey Rachel!
This is a concept that is based in creating more awareness in how & why we eat as well as what we are eating. It is shifting from external cues to internal cues. Or what I like to call our inner wisdom.
External cues to eat would include diet plans or prescriptions, calories goals, time on the clock, or social pressure. Whereas internal cues would be our hunger and fullness levels, our taste preferences, and our bodies nutritional needs.
This type of eating helps us to get what our body truly needs because we are tuning into these biological ways that our body communicates with us to let us know when we are in need of fuel & when we have had enough. Something that we are born knowing how to do & over time lose the ability to tap into due to the "diet-focused" culture we live in.
Ways that we could start taking action on this type of eating starting TODAY would include:
- Start checkin in with your hunger before, half way through, & at the end of your meal. Notice if you are physically hungry, comfortable & satisfied, or slightly over full. This skill gets easier with time & practice & can be a highly valuable tool to determine when, what, and how much to eat.
- Take the time to slow down & appreciate your food. May sound silly to some... but this is shown to help prepare your body for physical digestion & metabolization efficiently. It also gives you the time to raise awareness as to where your hunger is truly at.
- Choose foods you actually enjoy! If you are craving the salty pretzels for a snack, but try to grab the sweet fruit instead, your body is likely not going to be satisfied. So you end up seeking more & more food until your body gets that fix. May have been easier to listen to that craving from the start right?
- Remind yourself that there is no "good" or "bad" foods. Food holds no morality & every food can serves a purpose. So take this ideology out of your language and focus on the nutrient-density of foods.
There are sooo many more ways that we can start to incorporate Intuitive Eating principles into our eating. I hope this helps some & if it resonates with you & you want to hear more, I would love to dive deeper with you!!

Re: The Next 6 Months of Corona-Living Exercise
Home workouts March-September were almost exclusively bodyweight + a few bands. I returned to AFS within a few days of re-opening and although I'd definitely lost some strength it started to come back quickly and I was happy that my consistency in doing my bw workouts had paid off. Unfortunately, the progress came to a screeching halt when I tested positive for Covid in October (from a contact at work) . I went from lifting 4x/week and riding my horses 5-6days/week to no activity for 2 weeks followed by very minimal activity for the following two weeks. Two months post-Covid and I'm slowly working my way back. So thankful for each day and thankful for the lessons learned along the way. As we head into 2021 I'm looking forward to my weekly lifts @ AFS and utilizing my newly acquired equipment for my supplemental lifts at home.

Re: AFS TV Launch & Feedback
Thanks for the feedback guys.
Erin, there is a way for us to make newly uploaded videos more prominent on the featured carousel. I will make sure our team knows how to do that when uploading.
Peter, I had changed a setting in our system to ensure all newly uploaded videos are placed in the beginning of their respective categories, but when I went in and looked for Brook and Katelyn's workout, it was at the end of the category for some reason. I know it was working for other videos this week. I will keep an eye on that and it it appears to be working inconsistently, I will reach out to our support team.
Really appreciate the feedback!
Re: AFS TV Launch & Feedback
Thanks, Beth. Good feedback. We'll think on that suggestion =).
Re: AFS TV Launch & Feedback
A couple of things that I really appreciated:
-Having the workouts divided into different categories
-That the exercises for the strength workouts are listed in the notes for the class
The second one is really important because I took Chris's 60 min dumbbell resistance workout last week and the class for some reason stopped working right as I started abs, so I was able to just consult that list and figure out what the last two exercises were!
One thing that might be cool would be a downloadable strength solutions sheet with the exercises to go along with the strength workouts so we can keep track of reps as we go along? I just wrote them on a sheet of paper as I went along but it just feels less official, because if you don't write your reps in your Strength Solutions folder, did they really happen? :)